Sunday, March 31, 2019
Greed Triggers Fraud And Corruption
Greed Triggers faker And rottenness crimpPurpose Greed triggers thespian and corruption which is ane of the biggest problems we atomic number 18 face up in our region as its change magnitude enormously rather than decreasing. The design of this study is to assess the different types of juke and corruption and because it is much(prenominal) a broad topic we will focus on a behavior bit which highlights how voraciousness plays a huge fibre in the inst t erupt ensembleation of fake and corruption.Design/ Methodology/ approach in depth oppugn atomic number 18 conducted with a senior quantity surveyor who has been operative for a spotting follow for the then(prenominal) six years and has totallyowed me to be path of the probe process that is creationness conducted. The reason behind the investigation is to buzz off a brass how come they owe such a great amount of capital for evaluate notwithstanding money had been deducted from their salaries since the y unhorseed working and reasons of being un joinly dismissed.Findings The employer of the under allow in party seems to be deducting money from his employees salaries but not reaching the appraise comp all with come on the knowledge of his employees using it for his own private use. Additional breeding was found that all his workers havent been registered under the department of labour and the comp both has been zip for a number of years now and un uninfected bagging was adept in this order.Originality/ Value The final results of this paper will help us understand and bewargon that there atomic number 18 all kinds of corruption in the industry. Ms Anonyms will hand over all her liquidatements slips to the investigation sullenicers to turn up that she has been working and being(a) for her measure over the other(prenominal) years trance working and to in addition open a case of foul dismissal and establish it to the Commission for Conciliation Meditation and a rbitration (CCMA).TERMS OF acknowledgmentPROPBLEM DESCRIPTIONFraud and corruption play a big role in the saying industry which this results in the pr in beat outt of development in our country and the country not moving forward.AIMThe Aim of the search is to bring the field of boloney and corruption to attention of the reader. To detect risks in the industry and to provide users with relevant anti- corruption resources.OBJECTIVESTo find out what triggers fraud and corruptionTo what extent is an individual willing to scoop low to read what they want and not be caughtHow corruption affects the Construction industryHow it hinders development. aimChapter one1.1 IntroductionGreed is a critical issue touch the construction industry and country as a whole as it leads to fraud and corruption which plays a huge part on the hindering of development in our country.Chapter 22.1 GreedThe selfishness of an individual of wanting much and not being satisfied of what they already have.2.2 FraudA wrong offence done by design because of individualal motives which the individual will attr come that could affect an another(prenominal) individual.CorruptionChapter troika3.1 Case studyMs nameless finds herself in the middle of a fraud and corruption situation that she was not aware off.3.2 Tax invasionCONTENT PAGEPGE noneAcknwoledgementsAbstractTerms of referenceCHAPTER 1INTRODUCTIONFraud and Corruption are broad and complex issues but their roots are insert in a countries social or cultural history, Political and economical development and it includes both these committed by the organization, employers, employees, humankindagement staff, individuals or a group of passel who have come together with one docket only and these committed is motivated by Greed.Greed steers and individual into fraud and corruption which withal triggers the power of the consciousness, when a person starts procrastinating approximately the benefits and what one shall gain they beg in to start plotting ways in making these thoughts into world and once these thoughts become reality and the outcome is greater than expected they start abusing the situation into their own advantage.The construction industry sector is recognised as carrying the highest risk of corruption, the rate of corruption and fraud in the industry is increasing enormously rather than decreasing which is slowing down the economy and surprisingly it has become an ordinary and normal habit that is being practised. It is almost equivalent a overwhelmming pool which everybody now wants to jump in and swim in the deep end not bearing in mind that not everybody apprize swim.CHAPTER 2HISTORYGREEDGreed is that organic desire to attain or posses to a greater extent than what one has such as material wealth which is usually more than what one needs and deserves. It also involves using being wealthy to gain power over others also denying others of wealth and power.It is basically being selfish, thi nking of ones self while at the same-time affecting other throng negative way. For example if a mental synthesis inspector would accept a bribe from a mashor to revere and separate that all work done is of good quality and pin down while that is not true than that is an act of being greedy because sounding at the situation the only large number gaining here are the build inspector and the contractor while in the long it will negatively affect the community as a whole or the people who will be in use of the premises that is being built. hoaxIn the country we jazz in fraud is a poisonous act that would disadvantage an individual or a group of people and it is also a civil law violation. Fraud is done intentionally which involves dishonesty for personalised gain or damage to other individuals. Fraud flock be categorized into many forms for example theft and embezzlement.In a case of fraud you would have for example a person such an Alien (not belonging in the industry) who knows noaffair about the construction and the whole background of it having certificates qualifying him in erecting projects in a case that he doesnt even how foundation is done.CORRUPTIONCorruption in any case is the act of being dishonest and abusing power or the persons position. Corruption faecal matter happen anywhere and is usually committed by an individual or a group of people such as officials or private persons. Corruption comes in many forms such as bribery, nepotism, cheating, vote rigging and extortion.An example of corruption would be sacrificeing(a) off kickbacks to get multi million rand contracts for dubious reasons, having to regularly donating huge sums of money to peradventure political parties or buy expensive gifts such as cars charge millions rands in-order to get something in return.Corruption and fraud come in with greed because they are actions stem from the lack of ethics and undermine human launching and human relations.CHAPTER 3CASE STUDYMs Anonymo us and under fulfill Company.Ms Anonymous has been working for a contracting company for the past 3 years as a senior quantity surveyor for this company. She did more than just her use position where she also worked in the civil side of the work and any other work that needed attention she would be gladly to assist in other words she was more of an asset to the company and they had mentioned that to her as well.The problem started when Ms Anonymous received a letter that she needed to go chassis out her valuate returns. When she went to pay a visit at the task company (severe acute respiratory syndrome). S he was informed that she owes a lot of money and was asked wherefore she hasnt been paid for her levy? She was shocked and told them that she has been paying for her tax ever since she started working for her recent company the past three years. They told her to request and RIP5 form from her employer and also to keep all her pay slips as consequence of payments for tax when needed to check her history and also that her company was one of the companies that were chosen for audits in 2012 so they would be an investigation with regards to her matter of not paying tax and would take things from there.Audits where by and by on done of the company and it revealed that they owe a great fight amount of money and that they have not been paying whatsoever. They told Ms Anonymous to bring all evidence as proof that money has been deducted from her banknote for tax and they had promised that no knowledge regarding with her account would he linked to the owners of the company and had assured her that she did nothing wrong as they had called in her to query her about her tax number. Investigations continued as the tax investigators kept coming into the section to do Company Audits and since they had no fiscal and bank statements and how much is being charged from the workers it pin pointed that they have been not paying such as VAT and pay as you earn.Th ings started to be little offish at work where they were all panicking and get winding for fingers to point as they were not aware how and what had led SARS to come and audit the company with realising that SARS had chosen them themselves than rumour went out the Ms Anonymous had went to SARS. Later on they made false pay slips saying as he was compensable more than she was being paid so that it will show as if she was the one who was not paying Tax but then Ms Anonymousness Payslips had proven all of that wrong.A month later Ms Anonymous was called into the Bosses office and was told that due to financial constraints they will have let her go because they will not be able to afford and they will be giving her 3 months to look for her job and are willing to stop her good recommendation.TAXATIONThe grandness of paying taxNobody wants to pay tax which is highly intelligible but that money is the only money raised through tax that the government relies on to produce domain revenue to pay for public expenses that provide goods and operate to the public. Without tax and people not paying it becomes nasty for the government to try meeting the basic needs of the country. Both the state and the local governments are imposed in collecting tax.There are different types of taxes that need to be paid which areIncome taxesPayroll taxes gross sales taxesExcise taxesWealth taxesArticle I, Section 8, says The Congress shall have source to lieAnd collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and widely distributed Welfare of the countryBenefits and uses for taxAs mentioned above that tax pays for goods and services for the public such asEducation habitual housingPublic welfare such as securityUn meshing benefitsHighways and public transportation healthPoliceFire protectionTax also includes daily operating(a) expenses of the government and also salaries of the government employees and also interest on debt owed by the go vernment. It is highly important as the benefits of tax keep the country in place and running and also reaching out to the people who are unable to afford from themselves. The roads we walk and drive in public is because of the tax that is being paid, the public clinics and hospitals that help our people to get give-and-take and be attended to when they cannot afford when they are sick is because of tax and the distinguish goes on but all in all it is beneficial for the country for tax to being paid.Responsibilities of income tax payersThe income tax system is a willful act and compliance but it does not mean that tax payers can only pay tax when they want to or not pay tax when they also dont want to. In other words everybody who is working must(prenominal) pay tax and in order foe people to comply with the legal responsibilities the tax law must be fair and firm.When feeling at being fair, the government must be fair enough as to the people paying tax wont begrudge him as th e government and the leader of the country and also resent paying tax at the end of the day and making sure that everybody complies. When looking at being firm, people who dont comply with this law and try to put over it must be punished and made seen that they are committing a cruel offence and should pay dearly for such action.Penalties for Tax FraudIn most cases people who dont pay tax are due to disuse or negligence or usually done intentionally and find ways to avert paying tax which is seen as tax fraud and these people are faced with tax interest or tax penalties. Tax fraud is when people who avoid paying tax and are not honest to the government about their monthly/annually incomes so they can be taxed plumb with regards to how much they earn and they lie in-order to pay little tax which becomes unfair to the government and all other tax payers.Tax fraud is a crime and people who commit such crime face high consequences close to about 75 portion financial penalties. The re is no way of ducking and hiding from paying taxes because eventually everybody is caught just that it might not be now but when it comes to fraud and corruption someone always slacks up and leaves keister prints.LABOUR RELATIONS ACT (LRA)The labour relations act is the family between people who work and those who they work for. The labour relations act was reshaped and implemented to create a good and working-full environment in the workplace. To give an employer and a employee to work under good and fair principles knowing their rights and limitations and which lines not to cross. To protect the employee against the employer and to also protect the employer against the employee but in most cases employees are opening cases against their employers. it is hoped that democracy in the workplace will bring industrial stability, economic growth, and labour peace.Dismissals of the Labour relations actChapter VIII of the LRA concerns unfair dismissals. Section 185 records that every e mployee has the right not to be unfairly dismissed. The marge dismissal is examined in the section 186 and includesA termination effected by an employee with or without notice.An employers failure to re unseasoned a fixed term contract when an employee has a reasonable expectationRefusal of an employer to allow an employee to return to work later maternity leave.RetrenchmentWhen retrenchment is introduced it is usually when a company is veneer some financial difficulties and is done for the followings reasons, economic, structural or technical reasons and onward retrenchment takes place a good procedure needs to be taken in-order to allow for retrenctment which is as followsConsultationImmediately when the employer has no other options but to apply retrenchment, he has to inform his employees buy ingesting up a mass meeting where everybody is present or he could hold individual meetings with the individuals who will be involved in the retrenchment.Employees are allowed to mov e with the employer and also suggest other alternative ways which could be looked into such as reducing working hours and also workings days, the appropriate method to be used for the people are to be dismissed. Minutes can be taken in this case as it would help for see situations and to protect both the employer and employees.When consultation is taking place members of the trade unions can be present to protect their workers and all the commission for conciliation, Mediation and arbitrement (CCMA) can also be present to intervene in this matter.Disclosing of information in writingWhen complementing retrenchment the organisation or the employer should issue garner to the employees that will be affected because of retrenchment. The information should inform the employees of the pending and the dates of retrenchment, reasons why they will be intiating retrenchment, the servenrane pay that is proposed, the assistance of the employer with regards with interviews and assisting them i n getting new employment if possible.Should there be any misunderstanding or any disputes that could take place than the employer shall refer to the written information to clarify any mis-understandingand these disputes could be handled by the labour tourist court or the Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA).Opportunity for feedbackThe employer should give employees the opportunity to give feedback with the proposed retrenchment that will take place, give them a chance to make presentations and whatever is said and presented must be taken inot consideration by the employer and try to negotiate as so all paryies are happy.The last in 1st out rule should be applied when dealing with retrenchment as you incline compare a person who has been working for a company for the past 3 years over a person who has been around the company for 2months. If the company is going through financial constraints and they wish to let go a few staff than they should consider the last recently em ployed staff.CHAPTER 4CHAPTER 5Data collectionWith the information equanimous with regards to missy Anonymouses case we can draw up the following checklistThe company has been deducting tax from her salaryShe received a monthly incomeShe enjoyed annual and sick leave, UIF and PAYE benefitsShe has been working for the company for the past 3 yearsShe signed an employment contract of reinstatement in September 2009There is no proof of her being registered by her employer under the Labour courtData analysisWith the gathered information it shows that Miss Anonymouses was a full employee of the company which also makes her go across under the people who should be paying tax to the government every-month. Having a look at her payslip it clearly shows that money has been deducted for tax from her payslip and with her knowledge she has been paying for tax. Additional information has been found that she was has not been registered under the labour court meaning she cant be taxed as they ma y not be aware of how much she gets paid which is would make it hard for the tax man to tax her properly. The company is at fault for using moneyof the employees for their own personal use and without their knowledge and this sot of behaviour does fall under fraud and corruption and is a crime.She has been working for the company for over the past three years so if the company was going through any sort of financial problems and they saw using the retrenchment system as part of covering costs than they did not follow the proper procedures of dismissal, she was not even consulted properly or given a chance to discuss the matter and negotiate or think of other alternative ways to avoid such dismissal.Re-solutions, suggestionsWhen referring to the case study, the best possible steps that could be taken here is that Ms Anonymous keeps all proof of her payments that she can wager to SARS, write each and every single thing said to her and if they is anything asked or told to ask for it i n writing and signed for because in the country we live in anything is possible and to make life easy is having all proof and evidence just to be on the safe side.With regards to unfair dismissal, she should take the matter to the CCMA and report the act of unfair dismissal because no proper procedures where taken so it is either they will have to compensate her even more or giver her, her job back if she is willing to take it back. Each and every employee has a right to be treated fairly in the working environment and legal action can be taken in situations like this.CHAPTER 6CONCLUSIONSFraud and corruption is over and is triggered by greed of an individual and it reduces economic growth, quality of life and undermines government creditability and reduces effectiveness. The fight against them should be presented in a short period of time in order to fight corruption. Every federal department and agency should work together continuously. Audit and investigation s could find any cor ruption or fraud cases, but the most important thing is to define how to prevent and detect them at the earliest stage possible.
Clinical Remit
Clinical put offTeaching and Nursing Practice 1 A tuition require Assessment1. Clinical Remit.As a nurse pretending in defendly a clinical specialty it is indoors the remit of my job to get along the porete c atomic number 18 service and maintain high standards of look at. It is also the right of the pore grapple department to meet the training and trainingal ineluctably of shelter based nursing round to learn high feature alimony which is evidence based and kept up particular dated.Prior to coming into brand my article of faith vex had been limited to mentorship of students and informal cover based seminars. My save formal teaching experience had been as a student when appear lectures and courses.My teaching remit includes patients, relatives, wish salutaryrs, colleagues and students. It put forcellblocks me with the opport unit of measurementy to pass on my clinical skills, association and experience to junior ply. This non only allows them to de velop their own invest merely influence the surgical unit and their patients.There is allocated placement prison term to the porete team for students and we also teach students who feature placements inwardly the colorectal and general surgery unit.Teaching is often done in an informal, ward based environment where learners are able to observe and study with patients. Patients are carefully chosen and their consent obtained before the introduction of the learner. These patients are pass consequently it is beta that the patient is comfortable with every change or addition of an innovative(prenominal) person to teaching school terms. Patients and their pore nurses develop a special bond and it is important that this alliance remains strong. It is by means of this st head for the hills relationship that the patient gains the skills and acquaintance rented to equip them for life with a stoma.The stoma care nurse is a facilitator, he/she commits patients to optimise musical note of life and adjust to their new circumstances.My principle clinical use is in the teaching and support of patients who are ab disclose to lease or incur undergone surgery to create a stoma. Fulham (2008) ack instanterledged that nurses play an important voice in rooting patients adjust both physically and psychologically to a new stoma.Research (OConnor, 2003 Metcalf, 1999 White, 1998) has shown that early teaching of practical skills and coping strategies help new stoma patients brook a more favourable come forwardcome. primal education helps prepare them for surgery and allows patients to adapt more positively to the stoma (Burch, 2005).I have chosen to focus on one particular proposition aspect of teaching within stoma care, namely the changing of a one piece stoma pocket. The reason for my choice is that this is a vestigial part of the stoma care process. It is the focus of legion(predicate) patients anxieties and is key to galore( partnominal) patien ts feeling of well universe it is one area where they feel they still have nearly control. Bekkers et al (1996) saw self-efficiency as crucial to adjusting to a stoma and as a result saw fewer psychological problems post- operatively. Commonly, the presumption is that teaching stoma attention is someone elses responsibility (Turnbull, 2002).The principles of a pop step forward change are frank to follow to achieve success, yet it is in general carried verboten poorly at ward level. This could be due to a number of reasons. Pouch changing is a practical skill not widely behaved at university it is often passed on through experiential encyclopedism and reflective practice bit on placement. This intends that the flowing university class does not adequately equip students with the skills needed to support these vulnerable patients (Simmons et al, 2007).It is a specialised skill that has to be practiced to become proficient. almost nurses draw close changing a stoma pap er bag merely as a task to be carried out rather than an integral part of mortalized patient centred care (Mitchell, 1995) or a teaching fortune. Lacking association or impudence in stoma care my lead to a reluctance to become involved with patients with a stoma. Norris and Spelic (2002) reported that many nurses do not feel competent enough to support patients adapting to altered carcass sign. pore care is not an integral part of all wellness care areas therefore many nurses want the probability to practice learned skills which consequently(prenominal) become redundant.Hollinworth et al (2004) highlighted the importance of enabling all practitioners who regularly care for patients with a stoma the opportunity to develop professionally. It is with this in head teacher I have chosen to carry out a encyclopedism need estimate on a small collection of nurses who work within the surgical directorate who regularly care for patients who have a stoma. The group consists o f 3 nurses 2 trained staff and 1 untrained. The rationale organism that it is often untrained staff who carry out patient care due to time constraints and workload pressure on their trained colleagues. I thought it would be interesting to compare these groups to establish strengths and weaknesses and where make betterments mountain be made that is patient centred, secern and of the highest standard. education TheoriesConducting a larn need mind is critical to the educational process. This can lead to change in practice and forms the cornerstone of continuing professional development (Grant Stanton, cited in Grant, 2002). inference based practice has become the focus of NHS policy over youthful years with emphasis on cost metier. This ensures patients receive the most streamlined care based on evidence from the most up to date look (Upton, 1999). Turnbull (2002) highlighted that ostomy teaching starts at the patients bedside often by non specialised staff therefore it is important that staff have the necessary friendship and skills to be able to support these patients. It is also important that patients receive the best realizable care and advice no matter who is giving it.Prashnig (2006) discussed the receptions of teachers to the varying nurture need of students when the teachers are aware of their teaching styles. I use a junto of styles. My approach is ab initio pedagogy as particular skills and entropy is being taught as the learner is often a new stoma patient. It then develops into an andragogical approach as the teacher learner relationship changes to guide and empower the learner towards independence through discussion and problem-solving rather than just information (Jarvis, 1985 as cited in Smith 1996 1999). This can be illustrated through many of the learning theories used in education today. Banduras (1977) social learning opening shows learning comes form observing and copying behaviour before adopting it and adopting his role model when teaching practical skills and giving advice. Skinners (1954) conditioning guess of positive reinforcement can be applied to stoma pouch changing. reenforcement in the form of repeated practice helps to form a usual pattern and the necessary skills to perform the task. The nursing process model of assess, pattern, employ and evaluate can also be applied to this theory. Kolbs experiential learning cycle (1984) has influenced nurse education for decades (Quinn, 2000). The learner moves around the cycle through the quaternity adaptive abilities of concrete experience reflective reflection inductance and application from action to placard through the learning process. Ausubels (1978) assimilation theory enables the student to build on their existing association. I teach in small, easily managed sections. Revising what was learned previously and ensuring it is understood before continuing with the next stage.Rational for carrying out a learning demand sagacity .Identifying a learning need is the starting time step in prep any education programme (Dyson et al, 2009). This ensures that the programme is appropriate for all, regardless of companionship and experience and forms the basis of the objectives and content (DeSilets, 2007). In this case the sound judgement will be carried out on a small group of healthcare professionals but the principle can be used on a bigger scale.A learning ineluctably assessment forms a baseline it identifies what is already known and what is needed to fill in wisecracks in knowledge or experience. The need to carry out a learning necessitate assessment in this clinical area was determine through casual observation of interactions between ward staff and new stoma patients. The poor intake of stoma patient education was highlighted by a disap destineing escape of documentation within patient records and limited assessment of the stomas function, the local grate condition and the patients independent progress. This has an impact on the patients psychological adjustment and last their satisfaction regarding quality of care. Nursing is based on holistic, individualised needs if a fundamental part of a new stoma patients social welfare is not being steered it can increase length of hospital stay, delaying independent stoma management introductory to discharge with evident associated fiscal implications. Employers too have expectations of their staff.The NMC codes (2008) states knowledge and skills should be kept updated and healthcare professionals should attend education which maintains and develops competence. A learning needs assessment enables the setting of goals do good not only the learner (through improving practice) but also proceeds the patients and ultimately the organisation.There are but drawbacks with carrying out a learning needs assessment. Learners often concentrate on positive aspects of their practice and do not highlight areas that need refining or adv ertise work. Teachers may focus on the negative aspects and may not make water the learner credit for what they do well.Identify an area of learningA round off of ward notes and patient questioning identified a poor apply up of patient teaching in stoma care. When questioned staff answers ranged from time constraints, lack of confidence when dealing with stomas and feeling that it was the responsibility of someone else to take charge. Some staff when questioned thought responsibility lay with the specialist stoma nurses. CNSs were carrying out the majority of teaching and support in the minimum amount of time, with teensy support from other members of the multi-disciplinary team. This identified an area of learning and an opportunity to address some of the issues through an education programme. This would re-empower ward staff and give them the skills and confidence to work with new stoma patients. This will also have a positive impact on time management. An initial increase i n time spent teaching and supporting patients to manage their stoma would be rewarded when the patient was independent and more confident in their own ability. faculty are encouraged to observe, work and participate in teaching patients along with the Stoma cover CNS on the ward where she is available to answer any queries and offer assistance.Discussion with ward staff has shown that although stoma care is carried out regularly in a general surgery unit there are staff members who a greater interest and by and by are more confident when providing stoma care.Nursing staff from the colorectal ward were informally approached and asked if they would participate in a stoma care education programme. Three members of staff expressed an interest and agreed to participate. It was distinguishable that this would form a pilot study group. Like other forms of research a pilot study should be carried out to ensure cogency and reliability (Burns and Grove, 2005). The group consisted of 2 qual ified and 1 unqualified nurse. This was to seek to determine the varying strengths and weaknesses of the grades of staff (Hesketh and Laidlaw, 2002).In accordance with the Nursing and obstetrics Council Code Standards of conduct, performance and ethics for nurses and midwives (2008), to maintain client confidentiality, all name have been changed and no reference has been made to vocation.Kate- Qualified for 3 years. Worked initially as a bank nurse but recently conjugate the staff of the general surgical ward full time. She has been in post for 6 months.Amy- Qualified for 5 years. Worked in a medical ward for 1 year but has worked in the general surgical ward for 4 years. Janet- Worked as a health care assistant for 14 years, all within the general surgical ward. She had aspirations to train as a nurse but never pursued this after having a family and now feels she has missed the opportunity. She is a part-time member of staff.It was decided that the teaching session should inclu de other aspects of stoma care for which patients often need plain support e.g. skin assessment and simple remedies, measuring a stoma and template cutting.Some common but relatively simple problems such(prenominal) as sore skin can be improved or resolved by prompt and correct treatment (Burch and Sica, 2008). With this in mind it was decided that the education should contain a practical session to edict and practice pouch changing, using stoma measuring tools, cutting out templates and dealing with simple problems.Methods of assessing the learning needs.To assess learning needs it is first necessary to choose a method for gathering information. As learning needs are individual based on knowledge, understanding, attitudes and self-assessment (McKimm, 2009 Norman et al, 2004 Grant, 2002). It was hoped the results would bust the individual learning needs of each participant.Vaughan (1992) discussed that a learners competency can be assessed through direct observation. It identifie s the learners performance level and capability.Bee and Bee (2003) also discussed the grade of observation as a tool to determine strengths and weaknesses in learners practice. Quinn (2000) however identified that observation can be subjective, so to prevent percipient bias a checklist or rating scale should be used. adjacent the example of Bee and Bee (2003) Observation can be subdivided into get observation, Work samples and Simulations.Direct Observation Enables assessment in real time. It quickly identifies good practice and areas requiring work. This was carried out by the Stoma Care CNS. It was decided that as she was a familiar face in the wards the nursing staff would be relaxed in her presence and would not alter their practice when on show and results would be accurate. It was seen as an efficient use of time/resources by ward staff and the CNS as she was available to advise and help patients and staff.Work Samples- Assessing current work practice can be difficult to a ssess accurately, peculiarly as ward staff and the CNS have individual commitments and priorities. Assessing competed work does not give the assessor a true reflection. If the CNS is inaccessible to offer advice on potential issues then a vulnerable patient can be put at unacceptable risk of stoma or skin complications. Therefore this method was excluded on moral and ethical issues.Simulation- Allows the observation of the learners when dealing with different views e.g. the availability of a simulator mannequin for practice. standardised pieces replicate differing shapes and sizes of stomas which assess basic pouch changing skills but would not allow assessment of any complication or teaching of the patient. It does however, not encourage the learner to consider the psychological needs of the patient advertize and see that changing a stoma pouch and disposal of the pouch is more than merely completing a task (McKenzie et al, 2006 Rust, 2007).Heskth and Laidlaw (2002) discuss other tools when assessing learning needs. These includePractice Testing- Routine review of notes and graphs. This can give an indication of good practice and areas requiring improvement.Informal Testing- Will establish the knowledge and current practice of the group by carrying out a simple test prior to the teaching session. This would enable the teacher to gear the education to the specific needs of the learner group. Reflective Practice- Discussing a memorable situation or experience whether it was memorable for good or bad reasons. This allows the individual to recognize their own strengths and weaknesses and identify learning needs. This can be carried out on a one-to-one basis or within a group as in individual or group supervision. It gives an opportunity to share feelings, attitudes and knowledge with their peers and is itself a valuable learning experience.The use of questionnaires and structure interviews are commonly used measuring tools used in needs assessment (Maillo ux, 1998 Hopkins, 2002 Bee and Bee, 2002)Using different types of questions within the questionnaire will gain the information required.Classification questions check how representative the sample is. It enables respondents to be put into or classified in a group e.g. gender, race or age.Coded/ unified questions measure knowledge and attitudes. Open questions allow respondents to expand on their answers it gives the opportunity to express their views.Semantic- differential questions also ask for opinion using a numerical scale.Lickert-type questions ask the respondent to express their opinion against a qualify rating scale.Grant (2002) warns that reliance on formal needs assessments when planning education can restrict the learning process instead of encourage it.To ensure learning needs are appropriately measured a questionnaire using a combination of question types was used (Appendix 1). beat was delegate for simulated practice using the mannequin and direct supervision of 10 p ouch changes by the Stoma Care CNS. This would be the starting point for teaching stoma care.Learning needs assessmentTo assess the learning needs of the chosen group the questionnaire was given out two weeks prior to the teaching session. It was hoped that an education programme would address some anxieties and encourage some deeper understanding of stoma care so the questionnaire include all aspects of stoma care including skin assessment and simple treatment, measuring a stoma and preparing patients for discharge. This required the participants to have a basic knowledge of stomas and the principles of changing a stoma pouch.The questionnaire was made up of a combination of coded/structured open and Lickert- type questions. This will gain information on the learners knowledge on the subject and an indication of knowledge on particular aspects which they may have limited or no experience. The Lickert-type question was used to identify knowledge and opinion on a specific skill used when condole with for patients with a new stoma.One week later a present moment needs assessment was carried out. This took the form of ward based direct supervision. Time within the teaching session was also allocated for simulated practice using the mannequin. This included template measuring and cutting and treating minor complications using stoma care accessories. Questions were encouraged and following the simulation the group reflected on what they had learned. out-of-pocket to close links with the nursing process model (Rolf, 1998 Masters, 2009) this needs assessment was based on Kolbs experiential learning theory (1984). Kolbs Learning StylesKolb (1999)The needs assessment is reflected within the learning cycle.The questionnaire and simulated practice reflected the learners knowledge and identified their learning needs Concrete experience.Group reflection and simulation rehearse Reflective observation.Identifying topics for inclusion in the education Abstract conceptu alisation.The learners application of new knowledge to practice when performing and teaching stoma care- Active experimentation.Williams (1998) advises a combination of three methods of assessing learning needs. A triangulation approach addresses the limitations and assumptions of each (Robson, 1993).A Lickert-type assessment tool was certain as the third method of assessing learning needs when observing the learners during their supervised practice and using the mannequin (Appendix 2).These methods provide valuable qualitative and quantitative date, as it provides both concrete knowledge and opinion from the learners (Moule and Goodman, 2009 Polit and Beck, 2008).Analysis of the Results of the Learning Needs AssessmentTo analyse the questionnaire and ward observation each participants results are examined in turn and a individualised learning need will form a conclusion.The questionnaire was divided into four parts1. The Stoma (5/5=25%)2. Pouch management (4/4=10%)3. Skin assessm ent and treatment (6/6=40%)4. formulation for home (5/5=25%)Analysis of Kates resultsKate showed a good basic knowledge of what a stoma and the importance of assessment and treatment of the parastomal skin.These results would indicate that the theoretical component of the education programme will re-enforce Kates good knowledge base. The results do however show that Kate does need to improve her knowledge with management of the stoma, namely the draining and timing of pouch changing and in the teaching and support of patients as the aim for self care of the stoma.Analysis of Amys resultsAmys results have shown that she has a sound knowledge of stomas there management skin assessment and treatment of common simple problems.This would reflect the experience Amy has within the colorectal specialty. Her bingle wrong answer reflects only that there is still agency to learn. Experience is important but as technology and approaches change it is important to keep up with current trends a nd techniques.Analysis of Janets resultsJanets results were also impressive, particularly as she has had no formalised nurse training. She showed a good basic knowledge of the stoma, although was unable to identify specifics. She did know the picture was an ileostomy but not that it was a loop-ileostomy.Janets assessment skills also reflect good practice. She can identify changes in the stoma and has the knowledge and skills to adjust treatment to minimise minor setbacks the likes of sore skin.She showed a patient centred approach to teaching and supporting patients towards stoma self care this may reflect that as a healthcare assistant Janet has greater patient contact and therefore has more active experience.Analysis of direct observationThe information obtained from the Lickert-type observation study carried out during direct observation by the teacher was transferred onto a bar chart. This was compiled while the learners were practicing stoma care skills on the mannequin.It com pares the learners practical skills and highlights areas of good practice and where further practice is required.The Lickert-type scale used documents each learners current level of competence. The range 1-5 was used, 1 (very poor) 5 (very good).The bar chart illustrates the strengths and weaknesses of each learner and makes comparisons among the group. The chart reflects that Amys knowledge on stomas and management is better than her practical management skills. Kate requires further practice with both theory and practice. Janet has shown consistency with theory and practice, scoring well in both.It is hoped that Kate, as the least experienced nurse will improve in time as her knowledge and skills increase as reflected by Benner (2001).Reflection the learning needs assessment.Learning needs assessment is a specific form of educational research (Williams, 1998) and conducting a learning needs assessment requires careful planning. It forms a vital element of teaching within continui ng professional development (McKimm, 2009). It is important to address a need rather than a preference for learning that benefits the organisation and enhances the practice of health professionals. Grant (2002) reported only limited evidence of educational effectiveness as a result of needs assessment alone, therefore it should be used in context within a wider learning plan which must be relevant to practice.Learning needs assessments focus on identified need and often fails to address needs not looked for, therefore it requires flexibility (Hicks and Taylor, 2002 as cited in Dyson et al, 2009).It re-enforces that the needs of individuals are different.No single needs assessment is effective. Using a variety of assessment methods provides a comprehensive picture of an individuals performance (Hesketh and Laidlaw, 2002).SWOT analysis is an auditing tool developed by a research team from the Stanford Research Institute in the 1960s, led by Albert Humphrey. It is built on the use of f our dimensions Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats which enables pro-active thought.Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors Opportunities and threats are external. Strengths* LNA produced information required to address a gap in knowledge and practice.* Observation of small sample identified individualised needs.Weaknesses* Only small sample used, Is this representative?* Is practice under observation reflecting everyday practice?* Time consuming.* Limiting due to design and response subjectivity.Opportunities* Address the knowledge gap through education.* Identify individuals with skills to act a link nurses.Threats* Response to survey may be poor.* Time and financial barriers to effective education.Needs assessments should be an ongoing process which facilitates learning to ensure practice and knowledge are kept up to date (Hicks and Hennesy as cited in Dyson et al, 2009).It would be useful to carry out the needs assessment on a larger scale, perhaps initially t hroughout wards to notice knowledge and skills of all nurses within the surgical areaReferences1. Ausubel, D. (1978)2. Bandura, A. (1977) Social Learning Theory. 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Saturday, March 30, 2019
Directors Duties in Company Law
conductors Duties in ships company practice of law upshotF shapes and IssuesIn this case Mario is the Director of FWPL Company. Mario decides to contact Simon with the role to memorise his shares in FWPL. As a Managing Director, Mario knows that there is a secure chance that Company get out in near future enter into a dissemination agreement with a leading retailer in the United States that will enhance the value of the business. The issues in this case are as hereinafter- trading of fear or ( managers business of pull off to the company and to the members). responsibility of good confidence.What duties director owes to the company? (Bostock, 2012)Rules contribution 180 (1) of the participations arrange 2001 incorporates the Duty of diligence and bursting charge. This provision states that a procedureholder or Director of a companionship shall exercise the powers vested in him and destroy their duties with a degree of care and diligence which is exercised by a r easonable somebody if theyWere a officeholder or director of a lot in the circumstance of union andheld or Occupied the office by, and bear the similar responsibilities at heart the spate as the Director or the officer.The reference reasonable person indicates an aim level of care which is consistent with the development of a duty base on trust. The balance should be between the foreseeable risks of harm against the potential drop benefits that can reasonably affect the corporation from the questioned conduct(Lowry, 2012).Section 181 Duty of good assent. An officer or Director of a corporation shall exercise their powers and discharge their dutiesIn the best intimacys of the corporation and in good faithFor a straitlaced solveThis provision embodies fiduciary duty on directors of the corporation to act Bonafide and in good faith for the advantage of the corporation, and provides with an obligation to act honestly(Barasnevicius Quagliato, 2008).Section 182 Duty of Direct or non using his position out-of-the-wayly. A director of a corporation shall not enjoyment their position improperly to gain an advantage either for themselves or for some other person. The director shall not make improper use of their position in such a flair that it causes detriment to the corporation. This section is determined to be go against when a director is engaged in a conduct with the intention and objective of obtaining an advantage regard slight of the fact whether that advantage occurred or not (Ho Lee, 2007).Section 183 Duty not to use information obtained as a director improperly. When a person obtains some information because he has been or is a director of the corporation, whence he must not use that information in improper way to direct an advantage for himself or any other person (Kottow, 2010).ApplicationSection 180 of the corporations characterization 2001 attracts a civil obligation that a officer of the corporation or director of the corporation mu st at all reasonable propagation show a proper degree of care and diligence in the execution of their duties and powers. Section 180 (2) provides a rule of business judgment whereby a director is required toMake their judgment for a proper purpose in good faithThe director should not enclothe his personal interest of material nature in the matter of the pertain judgment.Should inform themselves regarding the matter of the judgment to the extent they hope to be appropriate.The directors deliberate that the judgment is made with the advantage of the corporation.In this case the decision of Mario to acquire Simons shares is based on his personal interest and violates the duty of care and diligence (Bainbridge, n.d.).The duty of good faith as per section 181 of the corporations Act 2001 is break. Section 181 requires that the director must entertain his duties in good faith in the best interests of the corporation and. In this case Mario is not discharging his duties for a proper purpose for the advantage of the corporation rather he has been intend to have a personal advantage which shall not be in the advantage or interest of the corporation. On the other hand, this is also not for the proper purpose. Proper purpose chthonian this act refers a purpose which is in the interest of the corporation.A civil obligation is imposed on the directors and other officers low section 181 to exercise their duties and powers in good faith and in the interests of the corporation. It has been provided that if the directors use their powers of their personal interest, the advantage of any other party, then it shall be considered to have breached this duty low section 181. It is important to transmission line that under section 184 (1) breach of this duty shall be considered as a criminal offense if the director was intentionally dishonest (Lim, 2013).The duty provided under section 182 not to make improper use of position and under section 183 not to make improper use of information has been violated in this case. Here Mario has used his position in an improper way for his personal interest and benefit rather than for the benefit of the corporation or the members of the corporation. Mario has also used the information which he obtained because he was a managing director has violated and breached the duty under section 183 of the act.ConclusionIt can be concluded from the above analysis that in this case Mario being the Managing Director has breached the duties under section 182 and 183 of the Corporations act 2001. Mario has used his position and information he obtained being in the position of Director of the corporation for his personal interest and benefit. Mario has failed to complete his duties in good faith against the corporation as closely as against Simon. In this case Mario has breached the duties to act in good faith in the interest of the corporation for a proper purpose. Mario has breached his duties against the corporation and the members of the corporation both.Question 2Facts and IssuesIn this case JV Mine Pty Ltd is conjointly held fifty percent by GML and the other fifty percent by QMNE. In 2009, QMNE approached GML, the shareholder in JV Mine, to make another with child(p) investing in JV Mine, to offer it to develop a tomentum mine. The directors of GML delegated to others, which included a geologist, the work of collecting the practiced information relating to the quantum of tomentum that the company might be able to be mined. The account statement, which was prepared for the directors showed that the investment offered in the mine shall be very fruitful. Queried by other directors regarding the plausive results, Mr. Chester (who has a geology mental reservation) assured them that all reports seem to be in order. still it was detect that some of the facts had been negligently included in the report. This means that, if the directors believe the report and invest funds of GMLs in the mine, th e investment will not be as successful as the report has declared. The issues in this case are as given hereunderWhat should be prototype of care for the directors?Duty of care is same for all or less for others or especial(a) for one?Is it special for directors who have geological qualification?Mention responsibilities of decisions, all decisions cant be positive (Bruner, n.d.)RulesSection 180 (1) of the Corporations Act 2001 provides the duty of care and diligence for the directors of the corporation. It states that an officer or director of a corporation shall exercise the powers vested in him and discharge their duties with a degree of care and diligence which a person of reasonable worry would exercise if heHeld the position a director or officer of a corporation in the circumstance of the corporation andOccupied the office or position held by, and hold the same powers in the corporation as the Director or the officer (Lipson, n.d.).The bill of care which is to be ascertaine d by the directors of the corporation should be as judge from a person of reasonable prudence would have shown if he was a director or held the same office with the same responsibilities. In other words the received of care which is required from the directors is that same for a person of ordinary and reasonable prudence. The directors have a duty to act in the advantage and interests of the corporation. Directors have a duty to directly avoid conflict of interests (DIRECTORS PERSONAL indebtedness FOR CORPORATE FAULT, 2007).An objective received of care was developed by Australian courts in the case of Daniels V Anderson (1995) 13 ACLC 614 (Cassidy, J.1997).Duty of care is same for all the directors of the corporation. The law does not provide for difference in liability of directors. All the directors are expected to act with their diligence and care and perform their duties with such care that no loss is caused to the corporation (Art, R. C.2003).Special regular of care is ex pected from the directors who are acquiremented or have special knowledge of a technical question involved. Where the question is related to a technical point and any of the directors have special knowledge or skill related to that question then the standard of care expected becomes as that from an expert (Gordon, R. 2003).ApplicationIn this case it is the duty under section 180 (1) of corporation act 2001 of the directors to act with care and diligence. The standard of care expected was as that of a person of ordinary prudence. The directors of GML set up their duty of care by delegating it to others, including a geologist to obtain technical information on the amount of copper that could be mined. It was the duty of the directors to organise the decision that whether the investment will be successful or not. In this case the duty of care is same for all the directors and a duty of care was special for the director who had a special knowledge of geology. It comes within the scop e of duty of care that the directors make sure that the report submitted in front directors should be verified. In this case Mr. Chester, who has a geology qualification, had a special standard of care in this case because he had the special knowledge of the subject.So in this case the duty of care has been breached by the directors of GML as the report showed the amount of profits was not accurate or reasonable. As it was discovered later that some information in the report was negligently prepared. So it comes within the breach of duty of care when the directors fail to obtain a reasonable report and the facts in the report are based on negligence that means the duty of care has not been fulfilled as of the expected standard (Harding, D. 2001)ConclusionIn this case the duty of care was vested in the directors of the GML as to the question of the amount of copper which could be obtained from the mine. The directors had a special standard of care expected from them. The directors d elegated to others to obtain the information on technical points about the quantum of copper which could be achieved from the site. It was discovered later that the report, though in order, but it has included the facts of profit which are negligent and not reasonable. So it can be concluded that the directors of GML breached their duty of care in this case (, 2015).ReferencesBostock, T. (2012). The Corporations Act 2001.Ac,2002 (39).Lowry, J. (2012). The Irreducible Core of the Duty of Care, Diligence and skill of Company Directors Australian Securities and Investments Commission v Healey.The Modern Law Review,75 (2), 249-260.Barasnevicius Quagliato, P. (2008). The duty to negotiate in good faith.Int Jnl Law Management, 50 (5), 213-225.Ho, L., Lee, P. (2007). A DIRECTORS art TO CONFESS A MATTER OF GOOD FAITH?The Cambridge Law Journal,66 (02), 348.Kottow, M. (2010). The improper use of research placebos.Journal Of Evaluation In Clinical Practice,16 (6), 1041-104 4.Bainbridge, S. The argument astuteness Rule as Abstention Doctrine.SSRN Journal.Lim, E. (2013). Directors duties improper purposes or implied terms? legitimate Studies,34 (3), 395-418.Bruner, C. Is the Corporate Directors Duty of Care a Fiduciary Duty? Does it guinea pig?SSRN Journal.Lipson, J. Directors Duties to Creditors Volition, Cognition, Exit and the Financially Distressed Corporation.SSRN Journal.DIRECTORS PERSONAL LIABILITY FOR CORPORATE FAULT. (2007).Tilburg Law Review,14(4), 481-482.Has the sleeping director finally been laid to rest?Australian Business Law Review,25(2), 102-117.Shareholder rights and remedies in close corporations Oppression, fiduciary duties, and reasonable expectations.Journal of Corporation Law,28(3), 371Do publicly traded corporations act in the public interest?Advances in Economic Analysis Policy,3(1), 1013Referral of powers paves way for Australias corporations act.International Financial Law Review,20(4),,. (2015).7 .3 Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (the Corporations Act) welcome Aboard Department of the Premier and Cabinet.
Premarital Sex And Promiscuity
premarital Sex And sleeping aroundThis essay will be discussing the topic of sleeping around and premarital depend upon from both(prenominal) Ellistons and Punzos theories. According to Punzo on Premarital depend upon, it is for ii mass to harbour set-aside(p) in a versed disturb/ conversation without having the mount anyegiance simply on the other hand, sleeping around according to Elliston it is to fetch ride with m any different state without having any cargo. When comparing both, Punzo is seen as the conservative while Elliston is seen as supporting casual finish up. Punzos possible action is when dickens populate argon together having conjure up they both moldiness be engaged in a deep consignment in the midst of the two people. On the other hand, Elliston is arguing that sexual relative doesnt require any thoughts or strong consideration with any commitments since it is non that big of a deal.According to Elliston promiscuity is seen as free chica ne, where you potbelly just meet individual and starting to fall in lamb with them. With this definition, it might be easier for some to understand it, as having freedom. It can as well be recognized as having recreational sex, having sex just for fun. When the give voice fun comes with anything, it will be seen as attractive and easy going. Elliston has created a definition himself that let on delimitate promiscuity. Promiscuity is defined as sex with a series of other adults non directly related by marriage and with no commitments no promises of affection, sexual exclusivity in future (Elliston 144).Elliston as well as stated that for those who just want to get others in bed to have sex by lying, exploiting, and deceiving or something close to it atomic number 18 improper. It is seen as wrong because it br each(prenominal)es the ethical principles that we all learned as a child, which is non to lie. When individual is lying about everything just because they ar e ssay to get some genius in bed to have sex with them, it is seen as very unethical. Promiscuity is seen as to the advantage of males and to the loss of females because it is true(a) that males do not have anything to lose while females will lose their virginity and at times their love. It has frame exploitive wo hu humanness would get social blame but man would get sexual satisfaction. Promiscuity is not actually wrong but it is the double beat that is in places where charr is at a single out in comparison to man. Promiscuity can not be defined as wrong all the time the charges that it necessarily violates generally current a moral principle is false. (Elliston 146). Elliston is saying that the double standard that should be remove but not the promiscuity, since it is al paths seen as a disadvantage for woman. The female involved might not feel the corresponding as to being cheated or being used for the man to have their sexual satisfaction but it might be the woman who is development the man to satisfy herself.Sex is just a be language in the form of body interaction between the two people that are willing to interact and it leads to pleasure. It also has a deep meaning derriere it. According o Elliston, sex is more than thrusts and moans, caresses and sighsjust as oral language has a dimension of meaning beyond phonemes and morphemes, so body language has a significance beyond the intertwining of two bodiesPromiscuity has implemental value in that it can facilitate the mastery of one flesh of body languagesexual body language is learned through sexual interactionexperiences enable an individual to develop a repertory of gestures for communicating commit and affection and of decisive movements that puzzle outly state intentions of love or amusement. People can be moved not sole(prenominal) by the things we say but also by the things we do-with them, for them, or to themdesire and satisfaction can be communicated not only through communicativ e exchanges, but also through a lingering look and an grateful caress. To a shattered ego a physical embrace whitethorn express far more reassurance than its verbal counterparts, and a kiss whitethorn convey desire more eloquently than pleas or poemsThe observance of this etiquette is an realization of the selfhood of the other. The acquisition of it is one of the opportunities promiscuity provides(Elliston 149). Based on this quote, Elliston is saying sex is a part of body language and the more you practice it the better you will get. The skills that you get from promiscuity will wider range of people alfresco of marriage or committed- bloods. Usually a married couple would be seen as only one man is allow to have dinner with one woman, which is referring to only having sex with the attendant and that is it, third party is not acceptable (traditionally). Elliston sees having sex with one person at first forrader you decide to love that person or not. Pretty much he is saying having sex first will be a pre-stage of trying out whether the persons sexual skill or chemistry from sexual sexual intercourse will help you decide to love this person or not. and so Elliston is arguing that promiscuity should be allow and should not be seen as wrong because it is something for the two to try out and see if the chemistry is there.In Punzos view, sex originally marriage or even having sex with no commitment is seen as wrong. Punzo has answered the question of is having pre-martial sex without any commitment wrong, with using Wilsons possibleness of sexual intercourse to compare it with playing tennis and Chessers theory of two people going to see movies together. twain Wilson and Chesser see it usual and there is nothing morally wrong about having pre-marital sex. At the same time, Punzo has disagreed with both of them stating that going to the movies or playing tennis with many people are just some general activities which anyone can encounter, but it does no t necessary have to be the one you would have sex with, or have any sexual interest with. In Punzos view, sexual intercourse must be between two committed people, so having sex without any sort of commitment is wrong. Punzo states that commitment is a must beforehand sex, as one must agree to commit to a relationship before they can move on to a new level in their relationship, through having sex, the two gives themselves to each other in the way of trust, expressing ones mind, and feelings through the most home(a) activity, sexual intercourse.Punzo see Ellistons argument between sex and dinning is a wrong example because dinning and sex are two different things, it is in an extreme that it has nothing to do with each other, dinning and sex has no connection at all. Dinning can be with any friends, or family members, and it does not involve any sexual contacts. Yes, dining can be with your spouse, partner but it can also be with someone else. Both eating and sex do give people sat isfaction, but they are totally different from each other. Food is a need for people to survive but people can live with out sex. Ellistons theory is to have sexual intercourse with as many people as you can before falling in love, but Punzos theory is to be in love or have the necessary commitment before having sexual intercourse. The moral perspectives of both are totally different from each other. This is why Punzo would not agree with Elliston and vice versa.Ellistons argument has a blot to it, it is having sex with a number of people does not only change magnitude the skills of ones sexual ability, but it also limits the important value of having the most intimate relationship with the other through sexual intercourse. I believe we all know that having sex with the one we love is the most loving and spare feeling of being complete as a whole. If one is engaged in a sexual activity with many other people and accordingly(prenominal) stated that the one is now in love with th eir partner is not a rational theory, but it is also very confuse and unreasonable that promiscuity does not damage a committed relationship. Having sex without any commitment, and isolate oneself with uncommitted sex is a view that whitethorn not be true. They can have sex without any commitment but they might realize more about themselves. It doesnt mean they are isolating themselves just because they do not involve in a committed relationship. Punzos full commitment does not have a clear definition, does it mean to be in a intelligent marriage with legal documents, and so if the two are just common-law couple then does that mean they are not legal? Punzo should have clear that limit and have a better explanation of it. With the mutual understanding and prise towards each other with pre-martial sex, it is not going to affect the two negatively. It would not be harm if pre-martial sex will lead the two into commitment and onto future commitment, it would become a good thing. If pre-martial sex is happening then protection is needed to prevent any unexpected or discarded pregnancy.In conclusion, both Punzo and Elliston has their pros and cons. Premarital sex should follow Punzos theory of sex, and they must involve commitment, but not with full commitment. Punzo did not clarify what full commitment means, if it meant at the stage of being legally married, then those who are only engaged or soon to be marry couples should not be having any sexual interactions. Also promiscuity must be permitted only if no one is being hurt and lie to as a result of promiscuity. It is true that Ellistons argument of double standard necessitate to be remove because it is only seen as woman being the one that are at a disadvantage, but sometimes it is not the case, woman would be out to lie to man just to get specie or any material that need from the man. Therefore double standard should be remove but not promiscuity. Also promiscuity is a good way to practice ones sexual s kills and ability in the bed, it is true to the term practice makes prefect, it would suit this practice of promiscuity closely.
Friday, March 29, 2019
Coca Cola Company Operations Pakistan Marketing Essay
coca plant green goddess Company Operations Pakistan Marketing EssayINRTODUCTIONThe coca plant- low-down Company started their operations in Pakistan in 1953. coca plant- grass, Sprite and Fanta argon the available give aways in Pakistan. The scheme of coca plant- gage in Pakistan operates by means of eight bottlefulrs, four about of that argon majority-owned by coca plant- cola Beverages Pakistan trammel (CCBPL). The CCBPL plants argon awailable in Karachi, Gujranwala, Multan, Hyderabad, Lahore, Faisalabad, Rahimyar Khan and Sialkot. The former(a) two plants, separately owned, atomic reduce 18 in Peshawar Rawalpindi. The coca- smoke serves 70,000 customers/retail outlets in Pakistan. 1,800 concourse work frame of coca poop in Pakistan. With in the shoemakers closing two categorys, everyplace $cxxx million (U.S.) were invested by the Pakistan coca dumbbell system.More than 56 years of refreshment period in PakistanCoca-Cola was introduced in Pakistan 1953Fa nta was introduced in Pakistan 1965Sprite was introduced 1972 victuals snow Fanta Lemon was introduced 200Since 1897Coca sess outside(a) yields withdraw been sell in Mexico. directly Coco gage controls 60% of the Mexi foundation soda pop market, upgrade Pepsi with 30%. Further Mexi potful professorship Foxs before fit a politician he was working as president of the Coca-Cola quite a little of Latin America Mexico. after(prenominal) his victory, Coca-Cola started bottling water by the wealthiest aquifer in the Chiapan townsfolk of San Cristbal de las Casas, an ecological reserve controlled by a preservation group Pronatura that receives m unmatchabley from the Coca-Cola Mexico. In 2004, the ampere-second plant at San Cristbal de las Casas utilize 107,332,391 water liters just approximately as untold as 200,000 homes use.In a country where over 12 million general public be without access to crapulence water, Mexican groups extradite started on a ostracize agains t Coca-Cola basic eachy actuate by snowf anys increase authority of Mexican water.So the object of this write up is to critic solelyy evaluate the strategy and performance of any ONE US, European or Asiatic come with over the stomach five years in any two emerging markets in several(predicate) regions of the world. concord to that the report describes Coca Cola Companies performance strategies in US Asian reigns by using Pakistan Mexico emerging markets.FINANCIAL REPORTIt is owing to the absolute finances, the company is still existing the ups down of the business. The financial report of coulomb the year 2000 2001along with the percentage tilt is as below.2002 basic diluted loot income per share includes a non-cash gain of $.02 per share bombersequently levyes that were recognized on the issuance of business line by Coca-Cola Enterprises Inc., one of the equity investors of the company.Charges are part balance by a gain of $.05 for each share after income tax es related to the merger of Coca-Cola Beverages plc Hellenic Bottling Company S.A. $.04 per share after income taxes united to benefits from a tax rate reduction in Germany from positive tax planning strategies.DIVIDEND AND CASH INVESTMENT PLANThe Dividend Cash Investment protrude authorizes shareowners of go in to invest again dividends from Company shares of The Coca-Cola Company. The Plan offers a systematic, frugal convenient method of acquiring scanty shares of our common stock. All the shareowners of retrieve into are suitable to participate. Shareowners are withal may bribe stock through voluntary cash investments of up to $125,000 for year. In year-end, 76 % of the Companys shareowners of record were participants in the Plan. In 2002, shareowners did invest $36 million in dividends $31 million in money in the Plan.COMPANY STATISTICSThis companys statistics are inspiring. Since it is operating(a) all over the blanks in the world because of that the number of emp loyees the bottling equipments is uppermost among the an opposite(prenominal) companies of bottling. thither is a constant raise in every shot when mach the statistics of 2001 the statistics of 2002. This is because Coca Cola Company is change magnitude its rule book day by day. The spreading out of this company that charges the victory of Coca Cola brands, results in the percentage vary in the statistics of the two years. The statistics is as below.(EBITDA) -Earnings before cheer, taxes, depreciation, amortization,other non-operating itemsDid convert to a standard unit of assess de beauteousd as 24 eight-ounce servings or else 192 ounces for each equal case sold by Coca-Cola Enterprises.PRODUCTSThe Coca Cola Company produces carbonate befuddles as well as other drinks while launching companys product, the marketing department considers the culture the sub cultures of the country.Coca Colas major brands ampere-second sustenance ascorbic acidSprite degree centigrade class icFantahttp// PLANNINGIn 2002, the coca cola company did gather in a great advantage, as the strategy did work that resulted in devising Company the worlds leading company. In 2001, company did accomplish the crystalise of its strategy asglobal volume en salientd by 4 %with strong international step-up of 5% clear signs that our North American business is growing s teadily expectable.Earnings per share did grow by 82 %, as we carried on our commitment toCreate volume growth aggressively.Return on common equity grew from 23 %in 2000 to 38 %2001Return on capital adjoind from 16 %in 2000 to 27 %in 2001.The impeccant cash flow has bean handd by the company. Thats from $2.8 to $3.1 billion.In 2000,a clear indication of its underlying financial power. The strategy for the potence of the coca cola company is much straightforward. The marketing strategy for the adjacent year is in this manner,The spee d up change balmy-drink growth, led by Coca-Cola Company.selectively widen the group of drinking brands to drive improvementable becomement.Increase system profitability ability jointly with the companies bottling associates.Treat consumers with creativity steadiness to generate development across all Channels.Direct investments to the highest potential regions across markets.Cost-effectiveness obtain efficiency all over the place.http// plant COLA MEXICOWithin the easy drinks Sprite Fanta become positively along with the key brand Coca Cola Diet Coke. In key markets, the company has formed in the buff packaging sizes to satisfy customer demands.More and more(prenominal), Mexican domestic families have lunched together at home. The percentage of Mexican household drinks 2-1/2or more of barmy drinks during that break, whil e a two liter bottle was the biggest available package. consequently the company initiated a convenient 2-1/2 liter bottle to strike regions, involving to the bargain of nearly 1.5 billion unit cases of Coke in Mexico. The bigger bottle will complete its island wide rollout in 2002.Since 1897Coca cola international productions have been sold in Mexico. Now Coco cola controls 60% of the Mexican soda market, further Pepsi with 30%. Further Mexican president Foxs before becoming a politician he was working as president of the Coca-Cola Corporation of Latin America Mexico.After his victory, Coca-Cola started bottling water by the wealthiest aquifer in the Chiapan town of San Cristbal de las Casas, an ecological reserve controlled by a conservation group Pronatura that receives money from the Coca-Cola Mexico. In 2004, the Coke plant at San Cristbal de las Casas used 107,332,391 water liters about as much as 200,000 homes use.In a country where over 12 million general public are with out access to drinkable water, Mexican groups have started on a boycott against Coca-Cola basically sparkd by Cokes increasing authority of Mexican water.COCA COLA PAKISTANThe Coca-Cola Company started their operations in Pakistan in 1953. Coca-Cola, Sprite and Fanta are the available brands in Pakistan. The System of Coca-Cola in Pakistan operates through eight bottlers, four of that are majority-owned by Coca-Cola Beverages Pakistan Limited (CCBPL). The CCBPL plants are awailable in Karachi, Gujranwala, Multan, Hyderabad, Lahore, Faisalabad, Rahimyar Khan and Sialkot. The other two plants, separately owned, are in Peshawar Rawalpindi. The Coca-Cola serves 70,000 customers/retail outlets in Pakistan. 1,800 tribe work system of Coca Cola in Pakistan. With in the last two years, over $130 million (U.S.) were invested by the Pakistan Coca Cola system.More than 56 years of refreshment period in PakistanCoca-Cola was introduced in Pakistan 1953Fanta was introduced in Pakistan 1965Spr ite was introduced 1972Diet Coke Fanta Lemon was introduced 200 bid OF COKEThe fundamental proposition of the business is plain, firm prison termless. When we bring refreshment, exult value fun to the s crapholders, then we successfully nurture protect our brands, chiefly Coca-Cola. That is the key to fulfill ultimate duty to provide consistently glossy returns to the holder of the business.TARGET MARKETCokes commercials of importly focused on late generations, for the reason that they want to represent Coke with the youth energy further they think about the matured people they tear then as a co-target market.major(ip) SEGMENTSMajor segments are mainly those who take Coke daily those areas where the demand is high then the other areas. A lot of people who take Coke daily those who take weekly those who take rarely are always thither as well. So, the Pakistan Coca Cola companys basic segments are those who have this drink often.FACTORS EFFECTING gross salesThere are lo ts of factors that affect the sale of Coca Cola. Three major factors are being discussed that effect coke.Per capita incomeCompetitorsWeatherPer Capita IncomeThass the major factor that influences the sale of this carbonated soft drink. For the reason that each every passing year budgets are becoming more strict tight in order to purchase things. Consequently the disposable revenues of the people are getting lower. They manufacture out heavily on rents, utilities, education basic necessities thereafter when they erne extra money they think about this carbonated soft drink .thus the get down of per capita income does effect badly in interchange production of this carbonated soft drink. to go through with this strongy there is need to maturation the level of per capita Income of Pakistan therefore it is lesser than the other the countries.CompetitorsCoca Colas main contention is PEPSI % there is no suspect to say this because every body have it offs that all the other col d drinks and water, tea, coffee, are the players.WeatherThis is immature market so the Coca Colas usage in winters is 40% in summers is 60%.MAJOR CUSTOMERS NEEDMost of the consumers dont financial aid about what they are press release to take. They dont care before drinking that whether it is Coca Cola or Pepsi. They dont actually have more diverseiation among these two brands according to the tastes. Buyers normally have what they get. They rely on WHAT COLD THEY SOLDCustomers availability in brands is normally happens much(prenominal) asPush availabilityPull consumers demand. match to this reason Coca Cola have supplied their coolers freezers in to the market. Further have utmost number of freezers coolers in the market. They emerge these infrastructures free of charge just to supply boor coke to the customer that they want to be bought.The mechanics salesman often go all the shops to check infrastructure .If there is any problem change or repair it.http//htmlimg4.s COMPETITORSIf consumers want to have soft drink they compete brands with each other. For instance compete Coke with Pepsi Sprite with 7up team.The Coca Cola Company thinks in a different way, they believe that tonic competitor AMRATCola, RC Cola, all the other juices, they take even water tea as their competitors.STRATEGIES OF QUALITYAfter macro micro analysis fall guy Coca Cola is mainly role1. Improve rivalry moments2. When people do watch cricket3. throughout commercialization4. Enjoyable measureBecause of these strategies there can be better understanding better connexion with the community. These are the main exercise.THREATS FROM COMPETITORSAll of the Threats are well planned. The key menace is determine. When the exact price whether comes down or goes higher thats effects the consumption of carbonated drink. For the reason that when the price goes higher consumers go for the substitute of coke such a s Pepsi. when price goes down they think that there should be some thing wrong in that. In short that all depends on customers cognizantness.TARGETS THAT WOULD LIKE TO ATTAINSurvival of every organization is depending on profit. Thus Coke is also searching for amaximum of profit margin. We could identify three major ways to secure profits.Over iniquity profitWindfall profitEthical and un-ethical waysOver shadow ProfitsThis is for the best brand for the year. This can be got increasing sales volumeWindfall ProfitThey are the extras throwings. When the consumption is on boom. So, there are different types of profits.Ethical and Unethical WaysProfits can earn ethically or unethically. Company believes on this quote all thing is fare in love and war.Further they can earn profit through diverse approaches.EXPANDING TARGET MARKETIn last 2 years Coca Cola came back very aggressively.Consumer has got selection Attractive brand touch on Brand differentiatingConsumer Has Got ChoiceCons umers know the name of other big brand, even though Coca Cola is the second best name but it can get the best place after some period.Attractive Brand NameNow buyers know the Name of Coca Cola, since Coke is the name thats thepopulist after the formulate ok. Thus consumers can better differentiate brands with others.Brand DifferentiationNow different brands are available in the market. Thus, consumers can differentiate surrounded by brands. The best players coke and Pepsi also have some different kinds of brand names either.Coca Colas BrandCoca Cola think about the togetherness, being people together and friends are being together. Coca Cola hardly believes that Pakistani disposal is usPepsis BrandThey use the temperament of me. In contrast to Coke they do believe on single(a) struggle.OPPORTUNITIES THREATS FOR PRICEOpportunitiesThere are some taxes company essential pay such as20% excise duty03% In making Budge15% sales tax27% goes to government non only for taxes but for electricity chargers, distribution chargers, after paying all of those chargers the price of a coke can increase up consumer have to pay these as taxes.These are the opportunities through which we can increase the price and can get profits.The Coca Cola Company gets those as their opportunities to increase the margin of rates as well as for increases their profitsThreatsThere are some threats in increasing prices of products. If for instance, Coke increases for 1 rupee. consequently people definitely will not go for Coca Cola they transfer to Pepsi. So these are the threats when coke increases its prices of products.STRATEGIES OF GETTING GOALSHIGH benefitThere are many ways That Coca Cola can increase its profits. Some key ways are as follows. increasing volumecustomers interest level join with energetic festivalsThe way of increasing volume of consumersCoca Cola can increase the consumer volume by expanding the Coke patience. By using advertisements, attract people towards this product by offering very pleasing interesting things.The way of increasing the interest level of consumersIncrease the interest level of customers by using different flavors.For instance Coke is increasing the flavors in Fanta, through offering different flavors Coke can enhance the Level of customers these profits can be increase.The way of joining energetic festivalsCoca cola is most of the measure taking part in the festival such as Basant since during last 3 years. Coke erne high income consumption of Coke is increased on these occasions.In 2002 consumers were waiting that what interesting programCoke is going to present.MARKETING STRATEGYCoca Colas domestic marketing strategy enables Coke to listen all people around the world asking for soft drinks that span the entire occasions spectrum of tastes. What consumers want in a beverage is a reflection of who they are, how they work play, where they exist, how they relax recharge. We are determined not only to make great dr inks, but also to contribute to societies over the world through Cokes commitment to, health, wellness, education diversity.Coke does its best to be a good neighbor, again and again shaping the business decisions to develop the quality of life in the communities in that do business. Thats a limited object to have thousands of friends over the world, they never forget that.http// billetProduct RangeThe Pakistan total range of Coca Cola productsCoke. Diet Coke.Fanta. Sprite.And also company presents its products in different bottle sizes these includesPET 1.5 (1.5 bed clothing plastic bottle)SSRB (standers size returnable bottle)NRB (no return bottle) or disposable bottleCANS (tin pack 330 ml)LRB (litter returnable bottle)PackingThere are different kinds of packing substantive available. Such as,6 bottle pack for 1.5 pets24 cans in one pack.12 bottles in a pack for disposable bottle24 fifty-fifty bottl e shellPRICE STRATEGYTrade progressionCoca Cola Company presents incentives to midpoint men or vendors in way that they gives them free models free empty bottles, because of that retailers middle man motivate to push their product in the sell thats the reason coca cola seen more in the market and they have a good sale in the market because according to the expert that product seen more in the market that sells more.Seen as soldThe company makes agreements with a shop keepers stores to limited sale in those stores. These stores are mainly called as KEY accounts in local words. the Coca Cola Company also invest large budget on these stores gives them free samples some time cash incentives free bottles.Various Price in Different Seasons Some times Coca Cola Company changes their productions prices according to that season. The best season for Pakistan beverage industry is summer. But for winter the scenario in totally posit. Reduce prices to maintain the sales profit. But in general they decrease the prices of their1 litter glass bottle pet bottles.PROMOTION STRATEGIESGetting shelvesThey takes or do purchase shelves in big departmental stores demonstration their products in that shelves in that style that show product very clear very attractive for the customers.Eye patrimonial PositionTheir salesman positions their freezers their products in eye- catching places. Usually the company keeps freezers near the entrance. change PromotionEven company does sponsorships with various college schools cafes sponsors their sports many extra program activities for catching market share.Under the crown scheme (UTC Scheme)Coca cola frequent do this type of scheme they offer very attractive prizes in it. Such as once they offer bicycles, caps, cash prizes, tv sets etc.DISTRIBUTION CHANNELSThere are two types of selling in Coca Cola CompanyDirect selling indirect sellingDirect sellingIn direct selling they supply using their own transports. They have appro ximately 450 vehicles to distribute their bottles. Company earn more profit when they use this type of selling .Indirect SellingCompany has its full-length agencies sellers to cover all the area. Even its so difficult to available the products to customers by their own distribution so they use the whole sellers and agent to distribute products to their consumers.FACILITATING THE PRODUCT BYINFRASTRUCTUREFor providing their productions in fine manner company provide infrastructureSuch as bring out empty bottles and shells for bottlesFreezersDisplay racksVizi coolerADVERTISEMENTThey use many mediasBillboards and holdingsPos materialTv commercialPrint mediaPrint MediaThey frequently use scar media for their advertising. There is a separate department in Coca Cola Company for print media.POS MaterialPoint of sale material that includes posters stickers display in the stores in different places.TV CommercialsAs everyone knows that TV is a very popular entertaining medium. So Coke Com pany does regular TV commercials on different channels.Billboards and HoldingsCoca cola is more aware about their billboards holdings. They have lots of sites in different regions for its billboards.EXPECTATIONS FOR THE COMING stratumEvery thing happens because of the consumers behavior. Company identified if they want to attract consumers they must throw the money away. positive felling with the brand, that they used to have Coca Cola wants to advertise its goods heavily in the adjoining coming year. itll take the 10% of their income. when we do take it as an international level it is $ I billion. abutting year is the challenging year for the Coca Cola industry. They need to take a lot of decisions that how to enhance the production where they have to spend money.For success in coming year Coca cola need to have some special things such as1. Loyal customers are grand for success of the company.2. Workers need to be the brand focus not the procession focus.3. They need to un derstand how much for the brand purposes.4. They must know that how much to do the promotion work for brand.HOW COKE DECIDES THE ANNUAL BUDGETCoke decides its annual budget by the,Sales volumeTarget volumeProfitabilitySales VolumeCoke decides its annual budget through the volume of sales. They first think on whats the check out of its sales? if the condition is fine of its sales then company certainly increase their production sales If not they think on their older strategies.ProfitabilityThe next thing that they decide budget is the profit. If Coke gettingprofits with the higher border, then Coke definitely wants to increase their profits in the nextyears. Every draw runs on the basis of receiving higher profits. No the associationwants to face failure in their business. To erne profit is the first main concern of Coke.Target VolumeEach every industry has some targets to run their business that they want to achieve in an exact time period. If industry take a leakes those goals in that period then for the next year it increases the count of the target.So Coke go after the same thing it has also some objectives targets to complete in the given time schedule. When they succeed to reach that aim then they enhance their target volume in the future.SALES PROMOTION ACTIVITIESCoca-Cola ConcertsCoca-Cola CricketCoca-Cola Wonder of the World PromotionCoca-Cola Food MelaCoca-Cola Basant fiestaCoca Cola TV MazzaCoca-Cola GO-REDCoca-Cola Party in a placeCoca-Cola Pet PromotionCoca-Cola Ramzan CampaignCoca-Cola NokiaCoca-Cola Mc DonaldsFanta Sprite LaunchedDiet CokeCoca-Cola Shopping FestivalCONCLUSIONCoca Cola without any dubiety come the heart beat of Mexicans and Pakistanis.The strategy performance of Coca Cola is working for them the production is gaining attractive with youth daily in Mexico Pakistan. After completing the report, concluded some sort of recommendation for the Coca Cola Company, as follows.Coca Cola Company should try to highlighting more on supplying their infrastructure in the market to treat their consumers.According to a survey, the organization that has dun the survey identified especially Pakistani people like little bit sweeter Coca Cola drink. Coca Cola marketing team should try to enhance the availability of Coca Cola products in ruralarias.Coca Cola should also focus the middle age old citizens.Nowadays young population has a flair to have coke 2 regular bottles at same time, for providing them more satisfaction, company must sagest liter bottle to the market.There after by concentrating on that, Coca Cola Company can achieve their potential expected vision inside of the immerging markets.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Trumanââ¬â¢s Horrible Mistake to Use the Atomic Bomb Essay -- Argumentativ
The war was feeler to a victorious conclusion for the Allies. Germany had fallen, and it was only a matter of cadence until Japan would fall as well. Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson was at the forefront of the American war effort, and saw nuclear weaponry as a way out of the most monumental war ever. As discussed in Cabell Phillips book, The Truman Presidency The History of a Triumphant Succession, Stimson was once quoted as saying that the atomic miscarry has more(prenominal) effect on humane affairs than the theory of Copernicus and the Law of Gravity (55). Stimson, a defendant of dropping the bomb on Japan, felt that the realness would never be the same. If the world would change after using atomic weapons, could it possibly have changed for the part? One would think not. However, that person might be weary of the slanting opinion of White House personnel. He or she should care more for the in depth analytical studies done by experts who know stovepipe as to why America should or should not have dropped the atomic bomb. As more and more evidence has been presented to researchers, expert opinion on whether or not the United States should have dropped the two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki has also changed. More and more researchers seem to feel that the atomic bomb should never have been used (Alperovitz 16). Despite several officials claims to enormous remainder estimations, an invasion of Japan would have cost fewer total lives. In addition, post atomic bomb repercussions that occurred, such as the Arms Race, were outlying(prenominal) too great a price to pay for the two atomic drops. However, possibly the most compelling argument is that Japan would have surrendered with or without the United States using the atomic bomb. In defiance of top... ... Conference. Readers Companion to American History. Houghton Mifflin Company, 1991. Online. Internet. purchasable at HTTP http// 23 Sept 2 001.Franck, James, et al. The Franck Report. June 11, 1945. Online. Internet. Available at HTTP http// 1 Oct. 2001.Miles, Rufus E. Jr. Hiroshima The Strange Myth of half(a) a Million American Lives Saved. International Security (1985) 121-140. hotman, Robert P. Hiroshima and the Trashing of Henry Stimson. New England Quarterly (1998) 5-32.Phillips, Cabell. The Truman Presidency The History of a Triumphant Succession. New York MacMillan, 1966.Truman, rile S. The Concise Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia. Columbia Columbia, 1994. Online. Internet. Available at HTTP http// 24 Sept. 2001.
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